Working in healthcare used to be a safe and respected profession. Due to many reasons patients have become more emotional toward anybody working in a public service profession. These emotions are no longer only in a verbal way, more and more physical attacks do happen. In some places even on a daily basis.
Being a Medical Professional is no longer safe. To protect yourself it is important to be prepared for an attack, no matter vocal or physical. But you position is different to any other profession. Your duty is to help and assist a patient to get better, to be cured and not to damage them. To defend yourself against the aggression of a patient sets a moral issue.
MD+ is focused on the foundations of your profession. We do not teach you how to fight but how to defend. Your training is based on the following principles ;
• Observation, interpretation, action
• How to change your working place into a safe place
• Dangers on the working floor
• Defensive measures to take on the working floor
• What to do when physically attacked
• How to behave and protect outside your working area
How to boost your mental and physical awareness
How to recover from an attack
The program was introduced in 1991 in the Netherlands. Since that time we have trained and assisted many (medical) professionals on the working floor.
Your safety makes you a reliable and better professional. Be safe, act safe, feel safe !
Duration of training ; 1 days, from 8.30-12.00 and from 13.00 – 17.00
Location ; on the working ground
Cost of training ; depending on the size of the group
Registration 8.30 hrs Start 9.30 hrs
Lunch 12.00 – 13.00 hrs
Teabreak 14.00 – 14.30 hrs Final 17.00 hrs
Netwerk meeting 17.15 – 19.00 hrs
WARNING ; as a part of YOUR protection it is prohibit to carry phones, camera or any movie device into the training room(s). All product must be left at the counter or at home. This measure is to protect your own identity and most of all the knowledge we will hand you.
医 疗 安 全 防 御
The main topics of this seminar are ;
The security awareness of you and staff / colleagues
What is security?
How do we reach safety?
Is your clinic safe?
Safety awareness in the organization
Your safety in relation to the community / environment
Safety awareness of your private life situation ?
Your family and your job, the order of safety procedure
Secure your transportation (home to work and vice versa)
Disclosure of your information, how safe are you?
Safety as daily practice
What can and should you physically tolerate of a visitor (whatever purpose and origin is)
How important is cultural differences and how to deal with it
Showing borders, marking clear borders, how to do this
What should you physically tolerate of a customer / visitor
Defense or attack ? What is the best strategy
Prevention is always better
Body Language, a part of your weapons (practical training)
How to make security practical and useful ?
o Audiovisual aids
o Sound
o Deterrents
Mental resilience
Physical resilience
Aspects of Violence
Recovery after an attack, your flexibility and resilience
In the future
The medical world continues to change. Violence becomes a stronger part and everyone is confronted with it. The causes are obvious, the changes and effects are yet to mark. The impact of all these chances are still a question to all of us. We better prepare well !
Who is Arnaud van der Veere ?
Arnaud is born in the Netherlands in 1960. His school and study career was a combination of top-sport and hard work. While studying he travelled the world since 1975. While still in high school he became a professional Muay Thai fighter who got money for his competition. With the money earned he paid his University.
In 1979 he was requested to assist the Dutch Government with special problem youth groups. He opened a special gym and instructed these groups in Martial Arts to discipline them and help them to find a better place in society. This work did continue till 2009 and involved groups like addicts, juveniles, criminals and people with disabilities. A large variety of target groups. Arnaud opened a successful gym in 1979 which he sold in 1991.
From the ‘80’s Arnaud did work as consultant / trainer / lecturer for many different companies such as Shell, Heineken, CBI, University Leiden, University Amsterdam all different Ministries in fields as Acculturation, Practical fight & defense, preventive healthcare, tourism and age control. He participated on many (international) fairs and official visits as entrepreneur and otherwise.
Besides this Arnaud van der Veere is an international recognized writer with publications in China, Germany, USA, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Netherlands and many other countries. His topics vary from (para) medical to sport, philosophy and healthcare. In the vision of the ancient mandarin he combines ; : Martial Arts with poetry, strategy and physical fitness”.
The experience of Arnaud van der Veere in the combination of healthcare, fighting arts, science and art is unique. His ability as public speaker is considered of high standard and entertaining. A new personal website is ; .