We built a blog to make money online. We put advertisements, dozen of them. We made it as good as possible, pretty colours, attractive fonts, nice pictures, many things ... just to be sparkling enough to get attention.
But nobody comes ... so we become bored, lost interest, gave up and started a new blog. Then on and on, we jumped from blog to blog. So what to do?
There are a few websites that give you free traffic. Well ... not absolutely free, because they want us to surf their webs in return. It is called Traffic-Exchange. We surf their webs and they send traffic to our blog.
Want to try them? Here they are:
1. http://www.iTrafficX.com
2. http://www.TrafficAdBar.com
3. http://www.EasyHits4U.com
4. http://www.TezakTrafficPower.com
Good luck with your blog!
You can smile now with thousands of traffic added up to your blog.